Report for the period April to July 2023
Today we would like to inform our community about the developments of the last months. Due to the intensive project-related activities in the last quarter, we had to actively redeploy our employees and let them contribute in different areas. For this reason, we were able to significantly grow CeBioLabs as a project collective and also deliver new approaches for the entire company. One of the largest projects that is being actively worked on in addition to the sub-projects defined in the roadmap is also addressed in this report. Unfortunately, the new large CeBioLabs project is the reason for the delayed and irregular provision of reports. We would like to apologize to the community for this, of course, and will actively publish our regular updates again.
Most important topic for CeBioLabs: Germany legalizes/decriminalizes Cannabis.
CeBioLabs was founded in 2021, and the idea goes back even a little further. At that time, the German government at the time had not yet made any efforts to legalize cannabis for recreational use. We as CeBioLabs already foresaw the trend towards liberalization of cannabis policy back then and aligned ourselves accordingly (see our CeBioLabs Whitepaper).
Now, the German government is actively going down the path of legalization and decriminalization and has already published a concrete draft law (Source: Thus, from January 1, 2024, cannabis will be decriminalized and de facto legalized in Germany. In the future, up to 25 grams of cannabis will be exempt from punishment and can be purchased in “cannabis social clubs“. This makes Germany one of the first countries in Europe to legalize cannabis for recreational use.
CeBioLabs positions itself in the course of legalization
With legalization, the federal government must also address the challenges of this endeavor. After all, the primary concern is to keep dirty cannabis away from consumers and to make cultivation controlled in clubs. Thus, the black market is to be dried up and a new legal market is to be created. In our opinion, the control and testing of such a project can only be implemented digitally and will be implemented accordingly. Our “CeBioLabs SCM” system is perfectly suited for documenting the production processes within the Cannabis Social Clubs in Germany, but also for companies that will cultivate cannabis within the second stage of the “two-stage legalization“. For this reason, CeBioLabs has been politically engaged early on and is actively positioning itself in the legalization issue. We would like to bring our “CeBioLabs SCM” system to the market in a slimmed-down form much earlier and actively shape the start of cannabis legalization in Germany. Especially the “Seed-to-Sale” and “Track and Trace” components, both implemented in “CeBioLabs SCM“, will be relevant for Cannabis Social Clubs.
We as CeBioLabs have thus shifted our primary focus of the roadmap somewhat and accelerated it in favor of the “CeBioLabs SCM” system. We are currently in exchange with very many networks in the field of “Cannabis Social Clubs” and also with other companies in the industry. Thus, we firmly believe that we will achieve great success within the German market with “CeBioLabs SCM” and the submodules.
Major project in the field of legalization of cannabis in Germany
As already indicated selectively on our social media channels, CeBiol Blockchain Solutions GmbH, the company behind CeBioLabs, is active in the field of cannabis legalization in Germany. We already have a close partnership with a major company in the field and will expand this partnership more. In addition to this, we have launched another venture and have already been expanding our corporate structure since the beginning of the year. This venture will massively expand CeBioLabs’ corporate ecosystem and generate a large liquidity into the company. As we are moving into larger dimensions with this project, we are in close exchange with political decision makers in Germany and are also conducting campaigns with the help of lobbyists.
We will announce the details of this plan in the coming weeks or months and thank our community for their patience. For this purpose, we are in close exchange with numerous law firms and are preparing all publicity information in detail. We believe it is our duty to take advantage of this unique opportunity in Germany for our community and to significantly strengthen the company and our token in the course of legalization. We estimate that we will increase our company value many times over by the end of the year and thank our community for their continued support.
Team set-up for the sales of our systems
In April we already launched our first system ““. Lab-Authenticity is the world’s first platform to secure and store lab analysis and certificates of analysis on the blockchain. The announcement can be found here: Our platform has already received a lot of acclaim worldwide and is also being used by numerous companies. We will continue to expand the functionalities of and incorporate additional areas of use to address additional industries and markets. We would like to further increase this currently prevailing usage level and have established a sales team for the distribution of and for our blockchain-based supply chain management system “CeBioLabs SCM“. This team of experienced sales experts will actively take care of the marketing and sales of our systems in the coming weeks and positively influence our operational sales.
As already indicated, we will accelerate the development of CeBioLabs SCM in view of the upcoming legalization in Germany. The conceptual groundwork will save us a great deal of time, which is why we are confident that we will be able to quickly secure large market shares as the first such solution in Germany. For a successful market entry before legalization in Germany, a fast and scheduled completion is necessary. Here, our core development team is confident.
Development of our systems and upcoming launches
As already addressed above, we are currently busy with the development of our “CeBioLabs SCM” system. Due to the legalization of cannabis in Germany, we have accelerated this process and also made some changes to the modules of the system. Since the legislators do not want to create a black box in the cultivation of cannabis, our systems in particular will ensure that the documentation of the cultivation and processing steps are stored in the blockchain with appropriate care and immutability. For this purpose, not only our “CeBioLabs SCM” system which is under development is suitable, but also, which we have already launched and which can prove the authenticity of laboratory analyses. We would definitely like to launch our CeBioLabs SCM system this year to make the best use of the beginnings of legalization. As a made-in-Germany system and complete solution, we will definitely stand out from the few competitors and will also be positioned accordingly due to our political networking.
Listings and the current Crypto Market
The current volatile situation on the international crypto market unfortunately also has a direct impact on the price of the CBSL token. However, we place great emphasis on ensuring long-term price stability and organic growth through the development of our systems and expansion of our business ecosystem. However, this also means that we must critically evaluate the long-term security and stability of the Binance smart chain network and make alternative plans if necessary. Our crypto experts are currently evaluating whether the CeBioLabs token should remain on the Binance smart chain in the long term or needs to move to a more stable network. Of course, we believe in the fact that the Binance network is not fully centralized and unstable, however, a global company like Binance is the focus of many groups. As a result, Binance may also fall victim to various attacks, as is currently the case. This inevitably leads to a decline and devaluation of tokens developed on the BEP20 standard, where CBSL is also included. For this reason, our company leaves open the possibility of swapping the CBSL token to another blockchain or to a blockchain created specifically for us (Mainnet). The evaluation of this is not yet completed, but we will of course inform our community about decisions on this in a timely manner.
In addition, we will drive listings of the CBSL token on additional trading platforms. We are in discussions with many Exchanges that we classify to at least t2. Exchanges below that we will generally no longer target in order to provide our community with the best possible trading experience and the highest trading volume. Unfortunately, we have had to suspend previously planned listings, not only due to the international market situation, but also due to the large CeBioLabs project currently underway (discussed above). Once we officially announce the new project, this will be done in parallel with listings on CEX. In addition, we will significantly increase liquidity on DEX and provide a better trading experience here as well.
Restructuring and expansion in the company
There have also been some changes at CeBiol Blockchain Solutions GmbH that we would like to share with our community. One important change is the relocation of our company headquarters from Peutestraße 53C in 20539 to Mittelweg 144 in 20148 Hamburg. The move allows us to have significantly more space and gives us the opportunity to welcome large parts of our team on site. The number of developers has also been increased in the course of the changes of the past months. We now employ well over 20 developers for many areas related to the CeBioLabs enterprise ecosystem, in particular the development of the CeBioLabs SCM system. Additional interns and two new law firms from Hamburg and Frankfurt also support us in new approaches and participation in the new market for cannabis in Germany. We will now resume our regular and monthly updates and keep our community informed about the latest developments. As soon as we have clarified the legal issues and can publish information about the new venture, we will also share these details with our community via our website and social media channels.